Prices for Feb 06 2025: Cocoa [ CIF: 5838FCFA/kg FOB: 5720FCFA/kg Buying Price Douala, (by Exporters) MIN: 4500FCFA/kg MAX: 5000FCFA/kg ] Robusta Coffee [ CIF: 3582FCFA/kg FOB: 3439FCFA/kg Buying Price Moungo MIN: 2000FCFA/kg MAX: 2500FCFA/kg ] Prices for Feb 04 2025: Cocoa [ CIF: 6829FCFA/kg FOB: 6696FCFA/kg Buying Price Douala, (by Exporters) MIN: 4500FCFA/kg MAX: 5000FCFA/kg ]

An Interview with NCCB's General Manager Mr Michael Ndoping


Background of NCCB 

The NCCB was created in 1991 following the liberation of the coffee sector in order to contribute to the fight against poverty in rural areas and to set up a cocoa-coffee sector. Its primary mission is to regulate the cocoa-coffee sector in terms of marketing, quality and the promotion of local products.

Achieving her vision

The NCCB develops strategies to promote local consumption of cocoa and coffee on a continuous basis. It ensures the conformity to international market requirements. She does this by participating in local and international events and also by being part of associations and organizations where expertise can be exchanged.

These networks and events are among others the:

  • African Fine Coffee Association (AFCA) 
  • the Festi-Cocoa (which holds annually)
  • the Festi-Coffee (which holds annually)
  • the Salon de l'Action Gouvernementale (SAGO), 
  • PROMOTE (which holds bi-annually)

“Events like the Festi-Coffee and the Festi-Cocoa which brings together local producers and players in the cocoa-coffee sector makes it possible to promote local products.” Michael NDOPING Director General of NCCB.

These events give visibility to the products (cocoa and coffee) and promote exchanges between players in this sector. They also aim to encourage Cameroonians to consume the "Made in Cameroon." "Our aim for participating at these events is to ensure that at least 50% of what is produced in Cameroon is consumed locally.”

The Taste of Harvest which is a competition organized by AFCA (African Fine Coffee Association) is organized annually and on a national level. The best coffees resulting from this competition go into competition with other coffee producers around Africa. The participation of producers in this event aims to get them to improve the quality of their products. To allow them sell in international markets and if possible get integrated into the Specialty Coffee Market.  

GM’s plan for the next 5 years

As part of the promotion policy in line with the desire to consume "Made in Cameroon", coffee kiosks have been installed at Douala airport and Yaoundé airport. The Douala Coffee shop is undergoing renovation, but “the ambition of the NCCB is to have these facilities in all state universities, even private universities, in bus stations, in certain ministries and in certain town halls.”  Michael NDOPING. With a view to encouraging local consumption. NCCB has set up a Barista program: training those who brew coffee, since it is the preparation that gives value to coffee by the cup. So that it is neither bitter nor too light, which often happens when it is prepared by non-specialists. The General Manager of the NCCB expresses the wish "that in the future we consume either all or half of what we produce.” 

Among its activities, training sessions play a very large role at NCCB to the extent that they improve the process of production and local transformation of the products of the sectors. For this, training programs are set up in the context of production, marketing and also local processing. Each year, the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA) assists NCCB in training Baristas in quality brewing and coffee preparation.

NCCB and Covid-19

At the start of the Coronavirus pandemic in our country, the government issued barrier measures that are observed at the NCCB; water tanks at the entrance to the building for regular hand washing, the wearing of masks and gloves; the use of hydro alcoholic gels; social distancing implemented through a rotating staff calendar; teleworking encouraged to avoid contact. 

All these measures have been taken by the General Management. Many activities have been suspended because of the Coronavirus, such as Festi-Cocoa, Festi-Coffee; Barista training with the assistance of the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA). Many other activities are organized by videoconference. 

However, the NCCB intends to ensure the continuity of promotional and commercial activities by observing these barrier measures and by trusting health professionals while using new technologies to be able to tie in with what is now called "The New Normal."

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