Prices for Feb 06 2025: Cocoa [ CIF: 5838FCFA/kg FOB: 5720FCFA/kg Buying Price Douala, (by Exporters) MIN: 4500FCFA/kg MAX: 5000FCFA/kg ] Robusta Coffee [ CIF: 3582FCFA/kg FOB: 3439FCFA/kg Buying Price Moungo MIN: 2000FCFA/kg MAX: 2500FCFA/kg ] Prices for Feb 04 2025: Cocoa [ CIF: 6829FCFA/kg FOB: 6696FCFA/kg Buying Price Douala, (by Exporters) MIN: 4500FCFA/kg MAX: 5000FCFA/kg ]

FCFA 2 Billion in Quality premiums to be distributed to Cocoa farmers for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 Cocoa seasons

The announcement was made at a press briefing that held on Tuesday 16 April 2024, presided over by Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, Minister of Trade, who was accompanied by his counterpart Gabriel MBAIROBE, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

For this third edition, the Government of Cameroon has allocated the sum of FCFA 2 billion to be distributed to farmers who produced Grade I cocoa during the 2020/21 and 2021/22 season.  

Outlining the methodolgy adopted for this phase of the exercise,  the Chairman of the Cocoa Quality Premium, Mr Michael NDOPING, gave assurances that the operation was designed to be inclusive, transparent and objective with one of its strongest point, being the involvement of Local and Administrative Authorities, as well as Producer Organisations and all the key players involved in the cocoa value chain.

This edition’s Cocoa Quality Premiums will be distributed from 15 October to 15 December 2024.

To find out more about how to apply and benefit from this premium, click on the link to download the terms and conditions.

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